Sunday, October 30, 2011

An October blizzard, oh my. Daddies, when are you taking me to the Carribean?!

The view out our window this afternoon of a nasty October blizzard.
Max's verdict: snow in October is so uncool. He's ready for warmer weather.

Friday, October 28, 2011

Who you callin' a Bumbo

We bought this hideous rubber thing called a Bumbo. Max seems to like it. One day Jeff and I will ceremoniously get rid of all this ridiculous baby gear. That will be the only good thing about Max growing up, a process I wish I could halt entirely right now. How could he possibly get any cuter? But it may be a good idea to let him grow into those feet.

Thursday, October 27, 2011

We made the Exeter Bulletin!

Proud of my high school. When I was a student there, I never imagined I would see two gay dads mentioned in the alumni magazine. 
Expanding horizons indeed.
The caption says: Cameron Smith '96 (right) and his husband, Jeff (left), celebrate the birth of son Max, who was born July 2, 2011, to surrogate mother Alicia.

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

A very downtown/uptown day

In the morning, brunch on the lower east side with brilliant artists and great friends Tony Rizzi and Penny Arcade
Warhol baby meets baby baby

Then the MoMA

Max said he loved de Kooning's color and scale and looks forward to attempting his own interpretation on our white walls once he gets his hands on the crayons

Monday, October 24, 2011

Finding Elmo

Max took a walk in Prospect Park. It was a beautiful fall day. And we finally found Elmo!
Looking pretty excited to go for a walk with daddy
We found him!

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Teaching Max to stick up for himself. Tomorrow, sharing.

Morning reading session of I Want My Hat Back, in which the bear eventually takes back his stolen red pointy hat.

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Little Pumpkin(s)

Getting in the Halloween spirit with Jean and Julia over a wonderful brunch at Katie and John's new home in Brooklyn. We are still brainstorming costume ideas for our little pumpkin.

Friday, October 14, 2011

Finally the world is my oyster

Max's passport just arrived and, as long as he doesn't eat it first, he's ready to go!

Friday, October 7, 2011

Napa and San Francisco

After our time in Seattle, we had six perfect days in San Francisco and Napa. We stayed in Napa with the Phillips, close friends of Max's (late) great grandfather Fritz and great grandmother Susan - who Max will call GG. At their ranch, the Phillips grow grapes and have just started their own label. We had lovely walks in their vineyards and explanations of the wine making process. You can get a sense of where we were at

Leaving GG's for Napa.
Getting in the harvest spirit.
We were going for Dionysus, but with the light and his lack of a tan got the Addams Family.
Katie was taking shots in close succession and captured Max just after he had vomited but before our expressions had turned from adoration to horror.
An amazing dinner after leaving Max in the arms of a wonderful sitter.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

"Sticky buns", oh dear where are the wipes?!

Bread pudding, frangipani almond croissant and a sticky bun for breakfast at Tartine Bakery in San Francisco. 

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Strolling in Seattle

Ready to audition for Newsies
Lunch with Louise
Walking with Kelly and Stanley

Saturday, October 1, 2011

Expert traveler

Max heads to Seattle to visit friends and extends his uninterrupted record as an expert flier. Going through security, and with a look of pity, I was asked by several fellow travelers if I was flying alone and then told I was very brave when I answered yes. Jeff joined us in Seattle the next day.

Max slept most of the way and barely cried. When babies are quiet on planes, they get lots of compliments. I was asked if I was traveling with my wife and if I'd like to sit with her, and also asked whether his mother would be joining us in Seattle. I responded that Max has two daddies. One woman loved that response and another tartly wished me a pleasant trip.
First boarding pass

Security was a breeze.

Sleeping soundly
Major diaper and outfit change over Nebraska
He earned his wings!