Sunday, January 22, 2012

More Turks & Caicos

With a fresh snow on the ground in New York, I thought I would stoke my own nostalgia for warm weather. Great memories from a fabulous vacation.

Muscle men
We went to a restaurant and covered Max's left foot with this fake foot that Laura bought at a gag/joke store. He has big feet, but not this big, thankfully. He definitely got some concerned looks from our fellow diners!

Water baby in action.

Michelin Man

First snowsuit and elephant scarf. I want adult versions of all his clothes!

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Max's first (professional) photo shoot

We took Max on his first professional photo shoot. A friend of Jeff's from Billy Elliot is directing a play that opens off Broadway later in February. It has to do with parenthood and all its drama and they needed a baby for the promotional posters. So we took Max to his first shoot. Despite all the new people, flashes going off constantly and general craziness, Max was completely at ease. We are going to have to temper our inner stage daddy.

Monday, January 9, 2012

Beach baby

We had a fabulous two weeks in Turks and Caicos over Christmas and New Years with all of Max's grandparents, his god parents (Katie and Charlie) and their spouses, Max's great grandmother, and Aunties Laura and Shawn. Max was showered with love and attention. He's not happy about the transition back to January in New York and neither are his daddies.

Daddy on his way to the last show of Billy Elliot